Mobile safety apps are marketed primarily towards students, which makes sense because students make up the majority of a university or college population. But it's important to remember that mobile safety apps designed for the entire school campus, not just for students. [Read More]

During the lockdown at Laurier, the university used the campus mobile safety app, “SAFEHawk”, to send push notifications to students and faculty that alerted them about the lockdown and further updates. [Read More]

In the spirit of Thanksgiving and appreciation for leftover turkey, the AppArmor team has reflected on the past year and for what we are thankful. AppArmor has grown tremendously this past year, as we’ve had a number of new schools sign on with us. We are incredibly thankful for our awesome relationships with new and existing schools! [Read More]
Every September, thousands of students anxiously walk into university or college lecture halls for the first time, many of which having just arrived in their new campus dorm. University is a huge adjustment for first-year students, with many leaving home for the first time to pursue their studies. When thinking back to how you felt during your first week of classes and how comfortable you were on campus in your final year, the difference is like night and day. [Read More]
Safety in numbers proves to be true in virtually all situations regarding personal safety. Naturally, as numbers increase in a group, the likelihood of a member of that group being assaulted decreases. This holds true digitally, as using a mobile safety app can harness the power of numbers. [Read More]