We're excited to launch the Designer App Preview feature. Learn more about it here. [Read More]

With the return of fall and the start of the new normal, we here at AppArmor highlighted some of the powerful uses of our platform. [Read More]

Since our last blog post, our team have been working hard to provide our organizations with the most valuable software possible in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Today in particular, we wanted to highlight 3 important items. [Read More]

The good folks at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada won a major award for their app – DalSafe. Read more to learn how they did it. [Read More]

Our first Focus on a Feature post! In our first blog of the series, Will Powell focuses on AppArmor Alert - AppArmor’s Unified Mass Notification platform. AppArmor Alert’s CAP Compliant Notifications [Read More]