Safety information is constantly changing. The AppArmor safety platform allows you to make real-time changes to the safety information in your app. Now is a great time to review your safety app and make certain everything is accurate. [Read More]

We’ve already discussed the topic of encouraging students to report. But when real-life examples show how a student’s reporting avoided a potentially serious situation, we feel that it’s worth sharing. [Read More]

We’re excited to announce that AppArmor is starting to expand into new industries to help improve safety. In addition to postsecondary institutions, AppArmor is now designing custom mobile safety apps for police departments, hospitals, and municipalities. [Read More]

The aftermath of a campus shooting can cause emotional distress for students and faculty members at any campus. That’s why it’s important for students to feel safe when they return to campus, regardless of the location of their institution. [Read More]

This week we are focusing on a more technical topic, "auto-dial extension". This means that phone numbers with an extension added are dialed without requiring any action from the user. [Read More]