We've compiled a list of features that are the most useful for users and their safety. These features have more ways to call for help, watch over others, and keep users informed. Here are our top 5 features in safety technology. [Read More]

AppArmor is excited to introduce its newest feature: Friend Walk. [Read More]

The interactive crime map is customized to campus landmarks and shows the user’s position on the map for easy navigation. [Read More]
One of AppArmor’s newest features to be released is the “Virtual Walkhome” tool, which allows campus security or campus police to monitor a user’s walk using the online dashboard. [Read More]

With mobile technological development accelerating in capabilities on a nearly daily basis, it’s important for the mobile safety features of an app to be agile. Updating the software is a constant task, but strategic decisions during the construction of the app can help to create the best possible experience for the end user. We’ve highlighted some important yet subtle technological differences in mobile technology. [Read More]