Hello AppArmor Institutions!
Just a quick note from our team - AppArmor will be having a User Group meeting at the IACLEA Annual Conference which is being held in Vancouver this year. The title of the event is "AppArmor User Group Meeting: New Innovations in Mobile Safety and Emergency Alerting". All are welcome - both current and prospective customers. We'll be talking about AppArmor news, new technological developments this year, and much more. The event will be hosted by AppArmor Co-Founder, David Sinkinson.
Here are the details:
AppArmor User Group Meeting: New Innovations in Mobile Safety and Emergency Alerting: 11:45PM-12:30PM Wednesday June 26th Oxford Room, Hyatt Regency (just near the Exhibitor Hall)
We look forward to seeing you there! If you want some one-on-one time with AppArmor, you can also book us here: Delegates can book a fifteen-minute appointment through the IACLEA Mobile app (powered by AppArmor) or by visiting https://iaclea.setmore.com/.
Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you in fabulous Vancouver!
The AppArmor Team
PS. Come visit our team in the exhibit hall for some awesome free stuff!