author Alan King, Monday June 17, 2019

Hello AppArmor Institutions!

Just a quick note from our team - AppArmor will be having a User Group meeting at the IACLEA Annual Conference which is being held in Vancouver this year. The title of the event is "AppArmor User Group Meeting: New Innovations in Mobile Safety and Emergency Alerting". All are welcome - both current and prospective customers. We'll be talking about AppArmor news, new technological developments this year, and much more. The event will be hosted by AppArmor Co-Founder, David Sinkinson. 

Here are the details:

AppArmor User Group Meeting: New Innovations in Mobile Safety and Emergency Alerting: 11:45PM-12:30PM Wednesday June 26th Oxford Room, Hyatt Regency (just near the Exhibitor Hall)

We look forward to seeing you there! If you want some one-on-one time with AppArmor, you can also book us here: Delegates can book a fifteen-minute appointment through the IACLEA Mobile app (powered by AppArmor) or by visiting

Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you in fabulous Vancouver!

The AppArmor Team

PS. Come visit our team in the exhibit hall for some awesome free stuff!

Comments (1) -

Comment By Jake MacIsaac, Tuesday June 18, 2019 at 3:55 PM

This is exciting.  I look forward to meeting with other safety app users to compare features and share ideas on implementation.  #DalSAFE