We’ve got an exciting new feature to talk about today at AppArmor; we’re now able to have multiple dashboards for the same mobile safety app. This bridges a much-needed gap for institutions that have multiple campuses with unique dispatch centres.
In the past, no matter how many campuses you had in your app you’d only have one dashboard for your app. For many schools, this was a non-issue as they centralized their security/police services at the main campus. However, with the development of new features, such as location services features (Mobile BlueLight, Virtual Walkhome, Friend Walk), Chat, and multiple push notification channels, the need for additional dashboards grew. As some of our multi-campus institutions told us, they wanted campus-specific dashboards so that the security team at that campus could take operational control.
As an example, let’s say an Institution has two campuses: downtown campus and suburban campus. The safety app at the Institution makes it possible for users to “pick their campus” and choose resources specific to the campus they attend.
While this is all well and good for users, it creates an operational headache for the Institution Police, as they have a dispatch centre at both the downtown campus and suburban campus which are meant to handle Mobile BlueLights from their respective jurisdictions. Now that we can create multiple dashboards for the same app, the problem was solved. We created a unique dashboard for downtown campus and the suburban campus. That way, operationally, the experience is streamlined for each campus’ dispatchers; the dispatchers at downtown campus got the Mobile BlueLights for their campus while the suburban campus got the Mobile BlueLights for theirs.
This might seem like a subtle improvement, but from a technological perspective there is a surprising amount of complexity in supporting multiple campuses for a single app. We’re thrilled that we can offer our partner institutions this affordable way to streamline their operations. If you’re interested in learning more about the multiple dashboards or anything mentioned in this article, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@apparmor.com.
Until next time,