author Marlee Hirson, Monday February 8, 2016

In light of the recent events that occurred at Vancouver Island University(VIU), AppArmor’s mobile safety app for VIU, called Safety@VIU, received extremely positive recognition from the University and Global News.

On Thursday, February 4th, Vancouver Island University was forced into a lockdown after reports of a gunman were made in Nanaimo. In two minutes, the entire campus was locked down and had information from their mobile safety app on what to do during an armed intruder alert. In the Global News report, Vancouver Island University was said to have the “top safety campus program” after the incident because of the fast and efficient response.

Mike Farnworth, NDP Public Safety Critic stated in the news report that other institutions can learn from VIU’s campus lockdown and how they can implement the security measures the University took.

Watch the full report here.

The incident at Vancouver Island University is an example of how AppArmor custom mobile safety apps are helping campus police and security departments make their students safer everyday.